

Command Permission Use
/mp limits market.limits.see Let players see their limits
/mp limits get <uuid|name> market.limits.see_others Let players (moderators) see other people limits
/mp limits set <uuid|name> <amount> market.limits.edit Set the limits of a player (only database limits)
/mp limits increment <uuid|name> <amount> market.limits.edit Increment the limits of a player (only database limits)
/mp limits decrement <uuid|name> <amount> market.limits.edit Decrement the limits of a player (only database limits)


In marketplace you can add limit of listings, there are 2 system that you can use

Permission-based limits

With this system (Selected by default) you can define permissions in your limits.permissions node in the config file, just like this

     - marketplace.limits.donor=2

This mean that ANY player that has permission would have access to publish 3 listings


You can add any permission name you want, not necessarily marketplace.*


Unlike database-based method, you can only use get command, if you want to manipulate the limits you should change the entire permission

What happend if i have multiple permissions?

You can choose between two options on limits.multiple node in config file:

stack (Selected by default) Sum all the permissions you have

priority Find the permission with more limits

Database-based limits

To enabled this mode you have to edit limits.mode node in your config to db instead of permissions

This mode can be used by commands:

/mp limits set <player> <slots> Set the limits of a player (The player should be online!) /mp limits get <player> <slots> Get the limits of a player (The player should be online!) /mp limits increment <player> <slots> Increment the limits of a player (The player should be online!) /mp limits decrement <player> <slots> Decrement the limits of a player (The player should be online!)

What method choose?

This depends on what you wanna do, if you want to grant limits to a player for donating just use the permission-based system though if you want to grant different limits for each player for example buying in ingame store you should use the database-based system since is more practical for this kind of implementations

Default limits & Unlimited

Use limits.default node in config to define the default limit that a player have And also you can use -1 limits to make it unlimited (Works in both systems and default in config)